Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
Dato for sammensetning: 28.01.2019
Observert parring: samme dag.
Navn: Ceecii's Linnea
Variant fenotype: Agouti capped striped
Variant genotype: Aa(h*h*)RrCcDUduHA*
Fødselsdato : 02.03.2018
Eier: Marit Kvitberg
Opprinnelse: Ceecii
Er rotten importert? Nei
Hvis ja, dokumentasjon:
Hvor lenge rotta har vært hos eier: Siden 6 ukers alder.
Sykdom: U/A
Vekt ved parring: 344 gram
Temperament: Morsom jente med masse futt i baken! Hun er veldig nøytral i flokken og litt av den forsiktige typen, grei i intro med bebiser.
Kjempesosial og henger alltid i burdøra og vil være med der det skjer. Myk og god i hendene ved håndtering og elsker å leke. Hun er mor til vår Fly-kull, som vi foreløpig har veldig mange gode tilbakemeldinger på. Hun var en veldig god og kjærlig mor mot sine bebiser.
Stamtavle: Ceecii's Eple-kull
Tidligere kull: Fly-kullet
Avvik fra NTF's avlsveiledning: Ingen.
Navn: Ceecii's Castor Canadensis
Variant fenotype: Cinnamon berkshire
Variant genotype: AaHh*pemmDUdu
Fødselsdato : 18.10.2017
Eier: Astrid Joensen
Opprinnelse: Ceecii
Er rotten importert? Nei
Hvis ja, dokumentasjon:
Hvor lenge rotta har vært hos eier: Siden 5 ukers alder
Sykdom: Castor har aldri vært syk, og har en utrolig fin kroppsbygning. Han er en slank og atletisk rotte, med sine nesten 700 gram. Et obs er at Castor har søsken med microphthalmia.
Temperament: Alfaen i flokken, tatt over etter Trøbbel. En fantastisk søt og god gutt! Trygg som få. Kommer løpende til døra med en gang du åpner burdøra. Vasker fingre, koser, sitter gjerne på skulderen så lenge man står oppreist. Har sjelden tid til å sitte stille hvis han har muligheten til å utforske, litt mer nå som han begynner å bli eldre. Fin i intro. Var sist i intro i juni 2018, ved 8 mnds alder, med yngre rotte.
Ved 13 mnds alder hadde han en kort periode der han var litt vel sjefete med "unggutta" i flokken, spesielt Lusk. Etter kort tid var dette over, og alle er nå tilbake som normalt, regner med at dette kun var ustabilitet når alle ble "voksne".
Stamtavle: Ceecii's Canada-kull
Tidligere kull: Nei
Avvik fra NTF's avlsveiledning: Ingen
Forventinger til
Farge: Agouti
Tegning: Berkshire og hooded varianter
Ører: Toppøret og dumbo
Pels: Glattpelset, muligheter for harleybærer
Begrunnelse for parring: Linnea er en supersøt og bare snill jente, vi ønsker også å få Canada-kullet sine gener videre, og Linnea virker som et godt valg som make for Castor.
Gemyttmessig virker det som en veldig god match, da begge elsker menneskene sine.
Alle har hjem.
Observert parring: samme dag.
Navn: Ceecii's Linnea
Variant fenotype: Agouti capped striped
Variant genotype: Aa(h*h*)RrCcDUduHA*
Fødselsdato : 02.03.2018
Eier: Marit Kvitberg
Opprinnelse: Ceecii
Er rotten importert? Nei
Hvis ja, dokumentasjon:
Hvor lenge rotta har vært hos eier: Siden 6 ukers alder.
Sykdom: U/A
Vekt ved parring: 344 gram
Temperament: Morsom jente med masse futt i baken! Hun er veldig nøytral i flokken og litt av den forsiktige typen, grei i intro med bebiser.
Kjempesosial og henger alltid i burdøra og vil være med der det skjer. Myk og god i hendene ved håndtering og elsker å leke. Hun er mor til vår Fly-kull, som vi foreløpig har veldig mange gode tilbakemeldinger på. Hun var en veldig god og kjærlig mor mot sine bebiser.
Stamtavle: Ceecii's Eple-kull
Tidligere kull: Fly-kullet
Avvik fra NTF's avlsveiledning: Ingen.
Navn: Ceecii's Castor Canadensis
Variant fenotype: Cinnamon berkshire
Variant genotype: AaHh*pemmDUdu
Fødselsdato : 18.10.2017
Eier: Astrid Joensen
Opprinnelse: Ceecii
Er rotten importert? Nei
Hvis ja, dokumentasjon:
Hvor lenge rotta har vært hos eier: Siden 5 ukers alder
Sykdom: Castor har aldri vært syk, og har en utrolig fin kroppsbygning. Han er en slank og atletisk rotte, med sine nesten 700 gram. Et obs er at Castor har søsken med microphthalmia.
Temperament: Alfaen i flokken, tatt over etter Trøbbel. En fantastisk søt og god gutt! Trygg som få. Kommer løpende til døra med en gang du åpner burdøra. Vasker fingre, koser, sitter gjerne på skulderen så lenge man står oppreist. Har sjelden tid til å sitte stille hvis han har muligheten til å utforske, litt mer nå som han begynner å bli eldre. Fin i intro. Var sist i intro i juni 2018, ved 8 mnds alder, med yngre rotte.
Ved 13 mnds alder hadde han en kort periode der han var litt vel sjefete med "unggutta" i flokken, spesielt Lusk. Etter kort tid var dette over, og alle er nå tilbake som normalt, regner med at dette kun var ustabilitet når alle ble "voksne".
Stamtavle: Ceecii's Canada-kull
Tidligere kull: Nei
Avvik fra NTF's avlsveiledning: Ingen
Forventinger til
Farge: Agouti
Tegning: Berkshire og hooded varianter
Ører: Toppøret og dumbo
Pels: Glattpelset, muligheter for harleybærer
Begrunnelse for parring: Linnea er en supersøt og bare snill jente, vi ønsker også å få Canada-kullet sine gener videre, og Linnea virker som et godt valg som make for Castor.
Gemyttmessig virker det som en veldig god match, da begge elsker menneskene sine.
Alle har hjem.
Last edited by Vimsy on 21 Feb 2019, 11:07, edited 1 time in total.
---- Ceecii Rotteri ---- Besøk gjerne vår FB-side https://www.facebook.com/CeeciiRattery/
Re: Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
3 gutter og 2 jenter 

- Attachments
- gælisk gutter.jpg (109.44 KiB) Viewed 32281 times
- gælisk jenter.jpg (70.11 KiB) Viewed 32281 times
---- Ceecii Rotteri ---- Besøk gjerne vår FB-side https://www.facebook.com/CeeciiRattery/
Re: Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
Gratulerer med de små!
Er spent på dei gæliske navna dere velger til småttisane
Er spent på dei gæliske navna dere velger til småttisane

Re: Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
Jeg har leifa. Er en sjans for black i dette kullet også, selvfølgelig, når begge foreldrene er Aa 
Sent fra min SM-J510FN via Tapatalk

Sent fra min SM-J510FN via Tapatalk
---- Ceecii Rotteri ---- Besøk gjerne vår FB-side https://www.facebook.com/CeeciiRattery/
- Pinky
- Posts: 4
- Joined: 22 Jun 2012, 02:34
- Kjønn: Kvinne
Re: Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
Jeg har skrevet rapportene på engelsk, da det blir lettere å uttrykke meg. : )
6 mnds rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Ritheann Abhainn Fhiáin (Nickname: Kiki)
Vekt: 355g
Helse: Always been in good health
Adferd mot rotter:
Kiki lives with her sister and hasn't met any other rats since she moved here at 6 weeks old. They get along well; sleeping together and grooming each other before bed. Kiki is generally more interested in exploring than playing with her sister. She usually wins their play fights.
Adferd mot mennesker:
Kiki loves to meet new people but they don't hold her attention for very long. She will groom them a bit and then run off to explore. She enjoys a little hand wrestling but after getting riled up she just wants to run and climb. When she is sleepy or in a particularly loving mood she will spend more time with us. Her favorite spots to groom are fingers and foreheads.
Kiki is very confident and independent! She doesn't mind being out in the open. We call her our "jungle rat" when she gets wild! She loves to climb, is very nimble, and makes impressive jumps to get to places she's not allowed (like the coats in the hallway.) If Kiki falls off something it is often because Lulu knocked them both down by trying to climb after or over her. She's very food motivated and likes to do trick training. If we are standing in the kitchen she will climb our legs to lick our fingers, knowing that our hands will be wet or covered in some tasty food smell. Her chocolatey coat has started to "rust" recently.
6 mnds rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Áilleacht An Fhiáin (Nickname: Lulu)
Vekt: 320g
Helse: Always been in good health
Adferd mot rotter:
Lulu lives with her sister and hasn't met any other rats since she moved here at 6 weeks old. They get along well; sleeping together and grooming each other before bed. Lulu will follow her more confident sister around and is usually the one who starts play fights.
Adferd mot mennesker:
Lulu loves to socialize and isn't afraid of new people. She spends a lot of her time sitting in laps and on shoulders. She likes to be held lying on her back while she holds your nose in her hands and grooms you.
Lulu is less confident than her sister and prefers to have somewhere to hide or a person to sit next to/on. When she is exploring she will often check in on us and give kisses before returning to what she was doing. We call her our little "princess" because she exudes a sense of entitlement. She tires quickly of trick training and will run over if she sees her sister getting attention. Despite being less outgoing she's actually the more troublesome sister; pointedly avoiding the houseplants while you are watching, then digging them up as soon as you turn around. Both of the girls love to crawl around inside our jacket sleeves but Lulu will spend more time there.
Bonus bilder:

6 mnds rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Ritheann Abhainn Fhiáin (Nickname: Kiki)
Vekt: 355g
Helse: Always been in good health
Adferd mot rotter:
Kiki lives with her sister and hasn't met any other rats since she moved here at 6 weeks old. They get along well; sleeping together and grooming each other before bed. Kiki is generally more interested in exploring than playing with her sister. She usually wins their play fights.
Adferd mot mennesker:
Kiki loves to meet new people but they don't hold her attention for very long. She will groom them a bit and then run off to explore. She enjoys a little hand wrestling but after getting riled up she just wants to run and climb. When she is sleepy or in a particularly loving mood she will spend more time with us. Her favorite spots to groom are fingers and foreheads.
Kiki is very confident and independent! She doesn't mind being out in the open. We call her our "jungle rat" when she gets wild! She loves to climb, is very nimble, and makes impressive jumps to get to places she's not allowed (like the coats in the hallway.) If Kiki falls off something it is often because Lulu knocked them both down by trying to climb after or over her. She's very food motivated and likes to do trick training. If we are standing in the kitchen she will climb our legs to lick our fingers, knowing that our hands will be wet or covered in some tasty food smell. Her chocolatey coat has started to "rust" recently.
6 mnds rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Áilleacht An Fhiáin (Nickname: Lulu)
Vekt: 320g
Helse: Always been in good health
Adferd mot rotter:
Lulu lives with her sister and hasn't met any other rats since she moved here at 6 weeks old. They get along well; sleeping together and grooming each other before bed. Lulu will follow her more confident sister around and is usually the one who starts play fights.
Adferd mot mennesker:
Lulu loves to socialize and isn't afraid of new people. She spends a lot of her time sitting in laps and on shoulders. She likes to be held lying on her back while she holds your nose in her hands and grooms you.
Lulu is less confident than her sister and prefers to have somewhere to hide or a person to sit next to/on. When she is exploring she will often check in on us and give kisses before returning to what she was doing. We call her our little "princess" because she exudes a sense of entitlement. She tires quickly of trick training and will run over if she sees her sister getting attention. Despite being less outgoing she's actually the more troublesome sister; pointedly avoiding the houseplants while you are watching, then digging them up as soon as you turn around. Both of the girls love to crawl around inside our jacket sleeves but Lulu will spend more time there.
Bonus bilder:

- Pinky
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 17 Sep 2019, 22:31
Re: Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
Ceecii's Fionnad Dath Fiáin (Bela) - agouti berkshire (european berkshire)
Vikt: 610 g
Hälsa: helt frisk hittills
Adferd mot rotter: fungerar bra i flocken. Sista månaden har han lite försiktigt utmanat ledarråttan, men nu är det lugnare. Lite brottning och jagat varandra kort, men inga skador. Vill väldigt gärna klättra mot tjejernas bur...
Adferd mot människor: snäll, mkt social, nyfiken
Annat: Vann 3:e pris i Pet i Finland (Naantali).
Ceecii's Droim Sléibhe Fiáin (Paquito) - agouti hooded
Vikt: 625 g
Hälsa: helt frisk hittills
Adferd mot rotter: enkel i flocken, inga bråk, men inte heller uppenbart ranglåg.
Adferd mot människor: alltid snäll och social, båda två är verkligen superråttor <3 samt har agilitypotential :-)
Vikt: 610 g
Hälsa: helt frisk hittills
Adferd mot rotter: fungerar bra i flocken. Sista månaden har han lite försiktigt utmanat ledarråttan, men nu är det lugnare. Lite brottning och jagat varandra kort, men inga skador. Vill väldigt gärna klättra mot tjejernas bur...
Adferd mot människor: snäll, mkt social, nyfiken
Annat: Vann 3:e pris i Pet i Finland (Naantali).
Ceecii's Droim Sléibhe Fiáin (Paquito) - agouti hooded
Vikt: 625 g
Hälsa: helt frisk hittills
Adferd mot rotter: enkel i flocken, inga bråk, men inte heller uppenbart ranglåg.
Adferd mot människor: alltid snäll och social, båda två är verkligen superråttor <3 samt har agilitypotential :-)
- Pinky
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 17 Sep 2019, 22:31
Re: Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
Hur lägger man upp foton här?? /Bea
Re: Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
OBS - Lungeproblematikk på linjene. Anbefalt eventuelt videre avl kun på hanner etter fylte 18 mnd.
---- Ceecii Rotteri ---- Besøk gjerne vår FB-side https://www.facebook.com/CeeciiRattery/
- Pinky
- Posts: 4
- Joined: 22 Jun 2012, 02:34
- Kjønn: Kvinne
Re: Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
1 års rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Ritheann Abhainn Fhiáin (Nickname: Kiki)
Vekt: 405g
Helse: Always been in good health
Adferd mot rotter: Kiki is still very independent and enjoys exploring more than socializing. We introduced two new babies (six weeks old) February 1st, 2020. She was excited to meet them initially but then avoided them. When they were forced to spend time together in a smaller space she quickly accepted them.
Adferd mot mennesker: Right after she turned 6 months, Kiki suddenly became much more social. She's still independent but now she's also crazy about grooming us and much more tolerant of being stroked (though she is still not a big fan.)
Annet: Nothing else to report. She's a very good rat.
1 års rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Áilleacht An Fhiáin (Nickname: Lulu)
Vekt: 376g
Helse: Always been in good health
Adferd mot rotter: Lulu is happy to have two new "nieces" to socialize with. When they get too intense for her she will run away, but she always comes back. Intros with the babies went quickly for her, although they don't seem to agree yet on who the boss is (Lulu was the dominant rat previously).
Adferd mot mennesker: Lulu has become a little more laid-back, sitting with us for longer and letting us stroke her. She's very cozy.
Annet: Nothing else to report. She's a very good rat.
Bonus pictures:

Navn: Ceecii's Ritheann Abhainn Fhiáin (Nickname: Kiki)
Vekt: 405g
Helse: Always been in good health
Adferd mot rotter: Kiki is still very independent and enjoys exploring more than socializing. We introduced two new babies (six weeks old) February 1st, 2020. She was excited to meet them initially but then avoided them. When they were forced to spend time together in a smaller space she quickly accepted them.
Adferd mot mennesker: Right after she turned 6 months, Kiki suddenly became much more social. She's still independent but now she's also crazy about grooming us and much more tolerant of being stroked (though she is still not a big fan.)

Annet: Nothing else to report. She's a very good rat.

1 års rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Áilleacht An Fhiáin (Nickname: Lulu)
Vekt: 376g
Helse: Always been in good health
Adferd mot rotter: Lulu is happy to have two new "nieces" to socialize with. When they get too intense for her she will run away, but she always comes back. Intros with the babies went quickly for her, although they don't seem to agree yet on who the boss is (Lulu was the dominant rat previously).
Adferd mot mennesker: Lulu has become a little more laid-back, sitting with us for longer and letting us stroke her. She's very cozy.

Annet: Nothing else to report. She's a very good rat.

Bonus pictures:

- Pinky
- Posts: 4
- Joined: 22 Jun 2012, 02:34
- Kjønn: Kvinne
Re: Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
18mnds rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Ritheann Abhainn Fhiáin (Nickname: Kiki)
Vekt: 405g
Helse: For a couple weeks in March Kiki made pigeon noises off-and-on when breathing. She remained otherwise healthy/active and the noises went away. Around May/June we noticed that she appeared to have lost her hearing. Since then it has gotten better, but her hearing is still worse than it used to be and definitely worse than any of the other rats. She does not seem to be affected by this.
Adferd mot rotter: Not much has changed here, Kiki is still very independant. She is again less bothered by the younger rats and I see her grooming them/ asking to be groomed by them on occasion.
Adferd mot mennesker: Kiki is still quite social around people, though she doesn't sit still for long. Always curious and never afraid, she is a favorite among guests.
Annet: The fur on Kiki's back has continued to lighten.
18mnds rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Áilleacht An Fhiáin (Nickname: Lulu)
Vekt: 397g
Helse: Always been in good health.
Adferd mot rotter: Lulu has always followed Kiki around and seems to dislike being alone. The two new rats are much more social than Kiki, which Lulu seems to enjoy.
Adferd mot mennesker: Lulu sits with us for even longer than before, and seems to enjoy being stroked (at least a little.) She is crazy about grooming faces still.
Annet: Nothing else to report!

Navn: Ceecii's Ritheann Abhainn Fhiáin (Nickname: Kiki)
Vekt: 405g
Helse: For a couple weeks in March Kiki made pigeon noises off-and-on when breathing. She remained otherwise healthy/active and the noises went away. Around May/June we noticed that she appeared to have lost her hearing. Since then it has gotten better, but her hearing is still worse than it used to be and definitely worse than any of the other rats. She does not seem to be affected by this.
Adferd mot rotter: Not much has changed here, Kiki is still very independant. She is again less bothered by the younger rats and I see her grooming them/ asking to be groomed by them on occasion.
Adferd mot mennesker: Kiki is still quite social around people, though she doesn't sit still for long. Always curious and never afraid, she is a favorite among guests.
Annet: The fur on Kiki's back has continued to lighten.
18mnds rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Áilleacht An Fhiáin (Nickname: Lulu)
Vekt: 397g
Helse: Always been in good health.
Adferd mot rotter: Lulu has always followed Kiki around and seems to dislike being alone. The two new rats are much more social than Kiki, which Lulu seems to enjoy.
Adferd mot mennesker: Lulu sits with us for even longer than before, and seems to enjoy being stroked (at least a little.) She is crazy about grooming faces still.
Annet: Nothing else to report!

- Pinky
- Posts: 4
- Joined: 22 Jun 2012, 02:34
- Kjønn: Kvinne
Re: Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
Note: Kiki (Ceecii's Ritheann Abhainn Fhiáin) was euthanized on January 18th, 2021 because of a pituitary tumor. Shortly before this she also showed some possible signs of hind leg degeneration.
2 års rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Áilleacht An Fhiáin (Nickname: Lulu)
Vekt: 402g
Helse: Very energetic and youthful! Recently she has been making some on and off pigeon noises (vet clinic has been consulted and no medical treatment planned currently.)
Adferd mot rotter: Lulu likes to socialize with other rats. As her younger cagemates have grown she has become more submissive. Since the passing of her sister Kiki she has become closer to her other cagemates which is good to see.
Adferd mot mennesker: Lulu loves people! She is still obsessed with cleaning our hands and faces. She wants most to be wherever we are.
Annet: She seemed restless after her sister died, but quickly returned to her normal self. I think it helped a lot that she had other rats to be with.
2 års rapport:

Navn: Ceecii's Áilleacht An Fhiáin (Nickname: Lulu)
Vekt: 402g
Helse: Very energetic and youthful! Recently she has been making some on and off pigeon noises (vet clinic has been consulted and no medical treatment planned currently.)
Adferd mot rotter: Lulu likes to socialize with other rats. As her younger cagemates have grown she has become more submissive. Since the passing of her sister Kiki she has become closer to her other cagemates which is good to see.
Adferd mot mennesker: Lulu loves people! She is still obsessed with cleaning our hands and faces. She wants most to be wherever we are.
Annet: She seemed restless after her sister died, but quickly returned to her normal self. I think it helped a lot that she had other rats to be with.
Re: Gælisk: Ceecii G-kull
Thank you for the update! 

Ann Mari S. Selje
"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice".
"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice".